T&c's Apply
Moon Valley Terms & Conditions
Following are the terms and conditions of Moon Valley Events products and services, for any events display in Australia and Worldwide.
Payment Terms
Applicants will have at least 4 weeks the closing date of applications to communicate by email or posting letter for any cancellations. Final Payment due 2 weeks previous to the event, if payment is not received by the mentioned day, we cannot guarantee to keep a site for your participation on the day. The site will be made available to others “on a first in, served basis”. Balance must be paid in full at least seven (7) days before the event.
Moon Valley Events have a current Public and Product Liability Insurance policy covering $20 million dollars. If the client wishes to be named on the insurance as an interested party, the request must be made at least 14 days prior to the event and will incur an additional fee of $25.
Cancellations / Postponement
Site fee and signed application form. Moon Valley Events have the right to cancel the event prior to or during the event due to public invasion of security and safety distances, poor crowd control, product malfunctions, unsafe weather conditions, natural disasters or other safety concern, without incurring any penalties in payment from the client, food- art & craft vendors or production team. Moon Valley Events will only refund the cost of services and products or that are not used in the event and that are deemed to be safe for reuse. If the sponsors, artists, food vendors or art & crafts vendors wishes to cancel the attendance to the event, four (4) weeks notice is required. If a deposit has been paid and production has begun, a cancellation fee of 10% may be charged.
The cancellation fee will include all costs incurred for the production prior to cancellation which may include: permits, manufacturing, advertising, packing, labour, hardware, transport and administration services. The maximum cancellation fee will not be more than 75% of the contract price. Additional labour charges will be incurred if the display operators have departed Moon Valley Events base and are en-route for the Festival site. In the event that the any of the mentioned above cancels the attendance to the event that Moon Valley Events have set up and deems safe to display such event, then the full fee is payable.
This is due to the extra labour and re-transport costs to the infrastructure, permits, labour and advertising. If Moon Valley Events or the Main Authority of the City determines the Festival cannot proceed due to unsafe weather or COVID safety conditions both parties can agree to postpone** or delay the event.
General Major Events and functions
If the parties mention above wishes to cancel the attendance to any of our events, at least four (3) weeks notice is required. If notice of less than this timeframe is given, the following cancellation fees will be charged:
• Less than 3 weeks notice – $100 cancellation fee
• Less than 2 weeks notice – $500 cancellation fee
• Less than 1 week notice – $1000 cancellation fee
** Postponed events must be rescheduled for a date within six (6) weeks of the original date.
Pyrotechnic subcontractors – substitutions and / or omissions
Moon Valley Events reserve the right at any time to substitute or omit any pyrotechnic effect from a show which we feel may cause an unacceptable Health and Safety risk. This decision is normally put into effect where excessive wind conditions may cause long duration “hanging” effects to drift towards the audience and / or buildings. In most cases, substitutions are made rather than omissions.
Subcontractors/ food vendors/ artists/ production/ sound engineers responsibilities/
Public Issues/ Refund Policy/ Billing
Moon Valley Events will determine a safe venue for the public to execute the event. Sounds engineer, are responsable to hold their own public liability insurance, display safe signs and cover mats for all cables, sound equipment have to test and tag for a professional electrician, if the equipment its been hired, it have to be hire by a legitimate company. Is compulsory for each fire performer or acrobat performer to lodge the management risk plan at least 2 weeks previous to the event date. Artists, live bands, singers, have to stick to the arrangements in the contract sent and signed previously by Moon Valley Events. Food vendors and Art and Crafts, has at least 4 weeks previous to the event to cancel their attendance to get a refund in full, if the notice is within 3 weeks Moon Valley will refund only 30% of the total paid fee.
For cancellations after that period, Moon Valley Events will hold the entire amount of paid fees. Fireworks companies are in duty to display and provide and erect safety tape to fence around the danger area. Bar and liquor holders are responsables for crowd control, security, permits, RSA certificates and any additional safety fencing for their designated area. Liquor holders are responsible to hold their Public Liability insurance and monitoring the behaviour of all patrons at their designated area. For a full list of Event Organiser’s responsibilities, please contact events@moonvalley.com.au
Moon Valley Events reserve a waiting period of billing liabilities for subcontractors, artists and third party contractors billing for a maximum
of 2 months after each function, if billing is not received within this period of time, we have the right to terminate any financial engagement
with any subcontractors or third party agreements.
Section A
Moon Valley Events legal name El Barrio Your Neighbourhood Ltd. is committed to providing exceptional events in a timely manner. Unfortunately due to a major production we have to engage contractors, artists and 3rd party commitments, and sign agreements most of the time before delivery of services.
No shows and late cancellation have an enormous impact towards our guests and towards our staff. Due to the reasons mentioned above, Moon Valley Events has implemented a cancellation policy that will be strictly observed and executed by signed agreement.
Upon any type of agreement have been signed at the start of our business relationship to leading towards our event, the venue have to make sure that has all permits in place, letter drop off have to be distributed at least 3 weeks prior to the event to the nearest neighbourhood or nearest receiver as mutual based on a mutual agreement between the 2 parties. If/or for any reason the venue cancel the agreement to go ahead for an unjustified reason that will not be in writing of a minimum 1 month, the lessee/ owner/ manager is liable to pay for the entire expenses of the event, including delivery, infrastructure, artists fees and marketing between others.
Moon Valley Events reserve the right to pull out the event any time without to incur in any extra expenses due to weather conditions, Act Major of God, COVID safety situations, decease or any unsafe circumstances to go ahead with the event.
Section B
a) In the event that MVE cancel the Festival/events/functions with at least 14 days prior notice from its scheduled Date and Time as detailed hereunder, no refund of any monies paid in advance to the artists shall be made and the balance of the monies due to the Band shall be waived.
b) In the event that within 14 days of the Event, as detailed hereunder, the Promoter cancels the Event or if the Event fails to happen for any reason including Act(s) of God and/or closure by any local, state, Australian Law the performance or COVID restrictions in place by Government should be advised with a new date by new schedule.
c) Notice of cancellation in advance shall be deemed received only upon direct voice contact between the artists and MVE. In the event that this is not possible MVE should notify the artists by written communication send via email.
d) It is hereby agreed and understood that should the artist fail to appear for reasons such as any Act of God, civil war, natural disaster, airline or other transportation problem or illness over which the artist has no control, the Agreement still stands.
e) The artist, has the obligation to keep a good behaviour, don’t using a coarse language, rude manners or an intention to sabotage the event, regards to the last statement, El Barrio Your Neighbourhood Ltd trading name Moon Valley Events is in title to cancel the payment in full or get full refund of any payments made prior to the show causing the termination of contract and not considering renewing it for our futures events, concerts or festivals bookings under any circumstances.
IMPORTANT: We reserve the right to apply this policy to any contractor, agents or any third party business that having an agreement with us. Our Terms & Conditions are publicly posted on our website on the footer.
Our terms and conditions are publicly display in our website: www.moonvalley.com.au and will take action towards type of agreement